But sometimes I just think I c-bet too frequently on the flop. Recently I've gave more actions on the turn in many pots, which I believe would be more efficient to pick it up because raising or betting on the turn is more powerful.
Today I lost 70bb when flopping buttom two pairs against vallain's top two pairs.
Since he was just limping I should not give too many actions on this spot. I think I did so because it's the beginning of my playing, which always makes me desired to earn more $$ as soon as I can. But usually I lost more since I played too hastily.
I find a good way to start my games. I open 2-3 tables at first, playing like 10 minutes and then open up to 4 tables. I use the very first 10 minutes to stablize my mood to avoid any extreme move. 3-bet from SB/BB? OK I let it go unless I got premium hand. Facing donk bet when I flopped nothing? OK I let it go.
I think I've done so very well and select better spots to extract $$ from vallains.
So keep it and I would be better! :)