Thursday, April 10, 2008

Something to talk with my new rakeback account

Still I am convinced that the most comfortable style for me is Semi-Loose/Aggression.
But sometimes I just think I c-bet too frequently on the flop. Recently I've gave more actions on the turn in many pots, which I believe would be more efficient to pick it up because raising or betting on the turn is more powerful.

Today I lost 70bb when flopping buttom two pairs against vallain's top two pairs.
Since he was just limping I should not give too many actions on this spot. I think I did so because it's the beginning of my playing, which always makes me desired to earn more $$ as soon as I can. But usually I lost more since I played too hastily.

I find a good way to start my games. I open 2-3 tables at first, playing like 10 minutes and then open up to 4 tables. I use the very first 10 minutes to stablize my mood to avoid any extreme move. 3-bet from SB/BB? OK I let it go unless I got premium hand. Facing donk bet when I flopped nothing? OK I let it go.

I think I've done so very well and select better spots to extract $$ from vallains.
So keep it and I would be better! :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Poker concepts (1-10)

Well I guess recently I haven't played my A game because more and more TAGs and LAGs pumps and I don't really know how to tangle with them. So it's better to read books or to review hand history. Today I am going to analyze some concepts on the famous No-Limit book - Theory and Practice in a hope that I will be capable to apply them in my further games.

There are totally 60 concepts in the book and I expect myself to complete translation by 6 articles, which means I plan to do it 10 concepts once. However I won't do direct translation rather I would mix them with my own knowledge, sometimes add my own comments.

Alright here we go:

Concept 01: When in doubt, bet more.

Concept 02: Don't give action to tight and trapping players. Know who not to play big pots against.

有一些NL玩家的打牌風格屬於非常緊以及保守. 你可以連續十把作出超大的raise並對他們秀出你的bluff 但即使你第十一次還是這樣搞 他們除非有非常好的手牌 他們還是不會跟你玩的. 簡單來說他們除非有超強牌 否則不會跟你玩big pot. 在牌桌上 你心裡有要個底 誰是屬於這類型的玩家 並盡量不要跟他們打big pot 除非你有接近nuts的牌. 再者, 我們很容易自以為能夠讀出那個玩家現在正在抓狂(on tilt). 沒錯 打的緊的玩家也許會抱怨你那種狂野打法; 但記得 他也只是抱怨 不會因此開始打的比平常鬆!! 你以為他們會認為說 靠 你這傢伙用這種垃圾也在玩 那我下次拿到AJ 我就跟你推allin!! 不 你錯了 他們不會這樣想的 他們心理想的是 "等我拿到一對火箭 看我不殺爆你這瘋子!!" 因此 對付這類玩家的最好方法就是 從他們身上偷偷小pot但避免跟他們玩大pot.

Concept 03: Most of your actions should include an inherent randomness against perceptive opponents.

對付思考型的對手 有時候必須要混合你的打法, 避免一直用你慣用的玩法對抗他們. 即使你認為目前這種打法毫無疑問是最好的 有時候可以轉換一下. 這樣做也許在某手牌會喪失一點利潤 但當你的對手知道你不是都用同一種玩法打牌 藉此在未來你也許能獲取更多的利潤.

Concept 04: Sometimes you should bluff to stop a bluff.

舉例來說 在一個heads-up的狀況 一手牌打到了river但我們並沒有位置優勢(Out of position)下 有時候我們應該bluff來避免對手做出bluff. 這個觀念的結論是, 你有一手中等價值的牌但你是先下牌的人(on the river).你的對手可能有強牌或是弱牌 並且你認為當他有濫牌的時候 他有時候會bluff. 即使你有時可以藉由check/call贏的這手牌, 但你更應該下注來防止對手的bluff.

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