Sunday, May 10, 2009

Plan in the rest of May

In April I made around $15k totoal included RB however at the begining of May I've played 12K hands, its break-even.


I know in mind that it's probably common for regulars but Im just hardly to believe that. Very frastruted. Plus my personal bio-clock work reversely right now - I really hate myself.

People always need to look forward. So I need to make plan for motivating myself even if there are only 20 days left in May. I have some long term and short term goals which I want them to be accomplished in a given time frame. Alright, let's start off:

1. Look for an apartment: I am so fucking tired of living with another person who I don't want to even say one word to. I've been very passive treating this thing since all arrnagement has been made by my wife. I do have more flexibility than her so there is no doubt I should take initiative. At the begining I like to see apartment at least once a week. Browsing the web first, either Yahoo or any other realtor's websites, end up picking some fine apartments to look. I have to set this gaoal as the very first priority.

2. Expand my poker game: In order to make myself a better player as well as improve hand reading, I'd like to add NL200 HU as part of my primary game. I've found that most of HU pro's BB/100 are so high that I thought they just get so lucky however I have to admit that I was wrong. HU indeed brings more profits; in the opposite, more swings in the short term. Nevertheless HU is still a very new game to me; that being said, I'm willing to work hard on it. The best and quickest way to learn should be watching good quality of videos. Everyday I need to watch one of them. Also I'd need to record my sessions and review it. I have no idea how many hands I should play per day but I'll find the answer.

3. Poker training business: Compared to how much $$ I can make from being a coach, playing poker myself may be a better choice. Well but I think it's fun and fullfilled if seeing a student improves. I will set my coaching limit up to NL100. Since I expect myself to be a good coach able to explain many theory concepts, I need to accomplish the following things:
a. Play NL25 - NL50 and NL100 and make some videos, releasing it onto PTT.
b. Write theory concepts slides by combining my own knowledge and avaialbe materials.
c. Marketing Research.
d. Coaching tree videos?

keep passionate!!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

20090302 登四獸山

小姑跟姑爹來台北看柏宏妤兒 本來禮拜天晚上要安排一起吃飯 不過爸爸去打牌了 所以沒成行
禮拜一早上打一個session時 ftp的爛網路讓我強迫sitout with 78cc on 5h6s9h 我一怒之下決定不打了 但也寫了封信去抱怨 看看他們會有什麼回應吧 真的是很怒!!!!!!!!

早上八點多坐捷運 每個上班族 不是在睡覺 就是面無表情 或是對我投以好奇的眼光 怎麼會有年輕人這個時候穿運動服裝出門 呵呵~
天氣有點陰陰的 還漂著小細雨點 我們走到登山口北興宮大概花了15分鐘 就開始了一直往上的階梯 途中都是五十歲以上的中老年人 很多還會向我們打招呼 這就是所謂的山友吧! 到了最高點九五峰 已經爬的滿身是汗 大約走了一個多小時了 不過山嵐很大 非常涼爽 即使霧濛濛的看不到台北市景還是覺得不須此行~ 下山的時候 小姑閒聊中提到 她前陣子去健康檢查 發現之前頭痛是因為腦部長了一個0.5公分的瘤 可是現在已經變大到1公分了
她是很不經意的提起 但我聽到的時候 整個嚇到 半餉說不出話來 定定神我才再問 那醫生有沒有建議是要開刀或是追蹤觀察 姑爹說醫生也不會幫你做決定 畢竟到了這把年紀 任何風險都會變大 更何況如果是要開腦部呢! 我也不知道該再講什麼了 默默的講到別的話題去

下山後我帶他們去南京東路的日本料理 ㄉㄨㄥˋ屋吃海鮮ㄉㄨㄥˋ飯 中午時間還滿多人的 我在想這些上班族都這麼有錢阿 中午可以吃2-300百塊的套餐!? 我們點了兩個海鮮跟一個鮭魚 我額外加了一個手捲 我不敢多點生魚片 哈哈 其實我要去付錢的 可是老人家總是比較省 我也就從善如流吧 因為是坐在吧台的關係 還跟師父瞎聊了一陣子 還多請我們吃兩塊鮪魚哩 ㄎㄎ 真是賺到啦~~ 趁他們不注意先去付了錢$860 後來還被一直塞錢 不過在我堅持之下 他們就不硬塞了. 本來還要帶小姑去看媽媽裝 不過我看他們好像有點累了 就各自坐捷運回家了.

從下午三點我居然睡到隔天早上五點五十 幹 有夠會睡
睡夢中還做了個夢 夢到二娘去世.... 很怪的夢 不過聽說夢到親人去世是會幫他們增壽

Friday, February 27, 2009

What's the next (2)

Alright last post i mentioned how to make money in my schedule.
Now i'd like to think more about how to save money by bookkeeping and depositing.

First how much i want to deposit every month when i cashout?

I plan to cashout 4k per month, which is NTD 134500 (already deduct withdraw fees)

1. my monthly spending: $54500 (20 for house deposit / 20 for mortgage / 10 for house fun / 4.5 for rent
2. planned deposit: $50000

then 134500 - 54500 - 50000 = 30000

Second what's my monthly budget for my casual spending?

what's the major stuff on my own spending?
* food / drink
* playing MJ (nah i figure its just close to be even)
* Hang out with friend (possibly)
* Traffic (no Cab man!)
* Clothes / shoes (almost none for those couple months)

Base on (1) and my reward (3) plan, I have to limit myself spending just about 10K per month. Woow seems very few! I dunno but maybe those are what i really need.

3rd i want to have a short-term goal, say after 3 months whether i will be able to achieve what i've set. if i make it i'd reward myself and my wife. im thinking going to Japan for 5 days would be a fair gift given that we've not gone aboard since last August. Preparing $70K NTD (around $2k) should be enough for this plan.

我回來了 and what's the next ?

沒想到上次po最後一篇已經是去年四月的事 那時我還在美國哩 這個blog荒廢了好久阿
這將近一年來 算是我打娘胎生下 好手好腳 卻沒幹什麼值得長輩高興的事 但卻是賺最多錢的一段日子
哈 說多 也沒有想像中那麼多 但總是比之前幹mis賺的辛苦鳥錢來的好

說了這麼多廢話 主要開始繼續寫的動力是希望自已有個目標前進
設定一個月該打幾手 賺多少我覺得比較不實際 不過打的穩的話 bb/100=6 應該是可以預期的獲利
簡單來算 目前我希望自己一個禮拜可以打8000手 也就是一個月能有32000手 這樣的獲利應該有
32000/100*4*6=$7680 plus Rakeback = $1240 所以total就是$8920
$8920*34= NTD303280 好像還不錯 這樣我一個月可以拿個5K出來
繳了房貸 學貸 還可以存多一點錢 希望能盡快買一個自己的房子阿!!!!!!!!!

恩 不過目前的我 感覺好像打的太隨興 贏了2個bi什麼的就不想打了 可能只打了一個小時 400手而已 就覺得
"哇 我今天又賺了台幣兩萬多塊耶 好多歐 真棒 我要休息了 明天再繼續~!" <---- 完全是一個不成熟的想法
如果超過四個bi 我覺得這樣想mabye ok 但是這樣做其實我浪費很多可以賺錢的時間 機會成本 雖然說當然也是
有可能是輸錢的 但長期來看 我的style已經建立 其他的reg也都或多或少respect我
再加上做一些table select 基本上都是佔有優勢的 況且最近我即使沒有run很好 贏的時候可以贏三四個bi
輸只輸一個多或是一點點 其實應該讓自己多一點信心 多打一點 畢竟這樣的光景 誰能預計可以持續多久呢

好吧 我來算算如何一個禮拜可以打到8000手:
假設我一個禮拜打六天 休息一天 8000/6=1350 hands per day
一個小時我4 tablings的話 從目前的52K DB來看 大約367 hands per hour; which means
1350/367=3.678= 220分鐘的時間 大約是三個小時又四十分鐘
這樣長的時間 我覺得不可能在一個session內完成 至少以我目前的狀態而言
等於說一天內一定要分兩次來打 然後這兩個時間要是我每天精神最好的時段

我自己覺得的時間有 一大早起床的時候 這也是我通常打牌的時間 但通常之後我就開始上論壇看video
做一些沒有規劃的事 雖然說不一定是所謂浪費時間 但總覺得好像太散了
然後這樣的打法 應該需要配合我運動的時間 有運動還是比較覺得有精神的
等於說我必須要回到老人生活 就是早上很早起床 例如說五點 然後弄一弄打牌 大概到7:30-8:00間
出門運動 我發現有時候不想去運動好像是覺得坐公車什麼的很煩 所以我是不是要考慮買台摩托車
至少回大直什麼的 也比較方便
假設我10:00 回到家 ok這時候我要幹麻
恩 我覺得這可能要試驗一下 我可以either 繼續打牌 or 看影片/上論壇
我通常是做後者 不過說不定繼續打也不見得不好 因為我一旦把當天最必要的事做完
我心理會覺得很舒暢 當然vid/forum 我覺得還是非常需要的 所以每天也要規劃時間來做這個部分
不過這樣做的話 我每天晚上十一點就要睡覺 這樣我五點起來會吵到老婆 好像不太好
如果跟老婆時間同步 七點半起床 打兩小時 十點運動 十二點回來吃飯 睡個午覺一小時 兩點再打到四點 四點以後
可以看論壇video 然後老婆下班 ---- 幹 這跟上班族哪有什麼兩樣......恩 可能是薪水不一樣啦 辛苦一點也是值得

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