Sunday, October 21, 2007


唔 今天要寫什麼呢

我們TSA(Taiwan Student Association)總共有12個成員 五個graduate 七個under.
由於這個活動算是學生會中最大的活動 我想絕對馬虎不得 所以上個禮拜就叫大家來吃飯開會
想知道大家的想法. Well 可是我又感覺變成我的個人演講 除了忠益以外 大家都沒什麼意見.
好吧 於是我就分配了一些工作給幹部 像是誰要收錢 誰要顧菜 誰要主持 誰搞ktv軟硬體 誰去找錢 之類的

首當其衝是場地問題 由於去年的場地已經被別人預定了 所以我們必須找新地點
裁判我想找三個 除了熱心的宗明姐外 我的另一個口袋人選Natasha居然已經回台灣教書了! 我頭開始大了
ok 於是我想到Edda 雖然她是今年的新生 不過我看過她的無名後 認為是一個好人選 不過要談過才知道

好 現在重點來了 原本被我指派作為主持人的Nash以及Randy 在禮拜六晚上我再圖書館的時候 打電話給我
問我 "Adam 你現在心情好不好?" "阿?? 你說什麼?" "我說你心情好不好?" "毆 還行阿 有事你說阿"
於是Nash就微婉的說出自認主持會不好笑 場面會冷的concern 希望我再找別人
我想了一會兒 雖然也沒有其他名單了 不過我想每個人適合的位置不同 也就不再勉強.

--> 幹!!!! 那我要找誰啦!!!!!!

我心裡面有最後一個solution 不過 唉....再看看吧.....


昨天租了一部dvd叫做 Lucky you (OS:好像是唯一有按照Schedule完成的事項)
男主角Huck 還挺帥的 女主角 是茱兒巴蒂摩 我原以為是文藝愛情片
沒想到大部分的內容是在打Poker 內容主要是敘述 Huck是一個在Vegas以打NL Holdem維生的賭徒
雖然技術高超 不過一旦在賭場碰到他老爸 就會一整個 on tilt 常常因為這樣輸光 而被迫要去典當東西
做為賭本 女主角的姐姐是在賭場做Waitress 自己則是剛到vegas的一家餐廳駐唱.

因緣際會下 男女主角相遇 彼此留下好印象 第二次見面後 吃飯 看夜景(Bellagio 水舞 去Vegas的話我要要去找找那個地方 - What a wonderful view!!!!) 接著打啵後 當然就是要做一些該做的事

後來Huck因為沒錢賭 沒問過她就把她皮包裡面的$1200拿走去打poker
雖然贏了 可是女主角也氣的回老家一陣子

Huck後來got a seat on WSOP 2003 and gets into Final table, with his father.
When 3 players left on the table (Huck, his father and another).
Now the peak is coming - Huck got rockets, raise - and his father reraise,
Huck says "I just call" >> His father says "what do you mean you just call?"
Many actions happen during the hand and eventually both go all-in when river is dealt. His father says I think I got you and shows Cowboys. Huck thinks a while and muck his rockets, which is the winning hand.

The reason is, his father is a two-time WSOP champion and hope to land the third one to make history. While Huck dislikes his father before, he makes decision to give it away. Although his father finish the tournament by 2nd, the relationship of father and son is getting better.

所以女主角其實只是出來喇塞 我感覺有沒有她 都沒什麼差....這部片重點是賭博還有父子情誼.....
今天傍晚去還完dvd 走進車庫要準備上樓 哼了幾句歌<很大聲 因為車庫是封閉空間 感覺很讚>
聽到有人關車門的聲音 我頓時變小聲 心裡os "媽的 又丟臉了"
一個白人老太太微笑著說 "what a voice you have!" "haha...thank you"
"I am wondering who is singing~!" "haha Thank you very much...."

累 i'm going to take a break then get back on my god damn papers....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

媽的 為何又在浪費時間

明明下禮拜一跟二共有三個報告要交 Negotiation Strategy and International environment of Business - 在這個精神這麼好的禮拜六早上 到了Wilson圖書館 還又在那邊上網 真的是一個廢柴到不行啊啊啊啊阿!!!!!

(1) 看完IKEA case + 寫完教授的問題
(2) 完成NBA Signing的reflection paper (應該很多補充資料要看)
(3) 晚上八點前 去理髮
(4) 去租Lucky you來看

早上起床 Workout! (已經說了幾百年了都沒去做.....)
(1) 完成另一個我忘記名字的case
(2) Reflection paper: (被死韓國人拐了...)
(3) 公司的HR Project補一補 (乖 很簡單的東西 祇是花時間而已....)
(4) 買菜 (幹 真的覺得一個人去買菜很無聊!!!!!! "不過可以考慮火鍋了")
(5) Return "Lucky You"

對了順便紀錄一下昨天晚上去MISA的Casino Night (10/19/07) :
是一個免費入場的活動 不是賭現金 但會有一些還ok的獎品像是Ipod之類的. 到了Coffman三樓 發現還挺大的一個場地 重點是他們還搞的真像Casino - 真的有去借那種賭桌 有綠色的布的那種; dealer是由MISA以及Indian Student Association的board executives充當, 雖然洗牌及發牌手法不是很熟練, 不過意思到了~
由於我下班之後直接去 七點整活動剛開始就到了 還沒什麼人 放眼望去都是老印
我心想靠邀 不會待會全都是印度人吧..... Anyway, check-in時 被給了五百塊的籌碼
玩家可以自己選擇要去跟dealer打 或是跟其他人打Poker; 我的話當然是打Texas Hold'em
總共有兩桌打Holdem的 我去了已經有兩個人在等的桌 - 一個印度學生跟怪怪的老美(矮白人 看起來年紀有點大 不太像學生) . Dealer人還挺好的 跟我們三個在那邊聊天~~ 後來又來了一個老印 於是就開始打了: 這邊只紀錄我有印象的三手牌 - (SB: $5, BB: $10, Maximum bet/raise: $100)
1. My hole card: Jd 7d, buttom.
-> call, SB call, BB check (Pot $60)
-> Flop: 5, 6 9, rainbow >> Everyone checks.
-> Turn: 3 >> sb check, bb check, I bet $25 >> sb call, bb fold (Pot $110)
-> River: 8 >> sb check, I bet $50 >> Sb re-raise $100 more >> I call and think we will split the pot. (Pot $410)
-> Sb shows "7 T" >> Wha'da FUCK! He got the nuts!

2. Hold cards: KQo
-> I raise to $60, only BB called. (Pot: $140)
-> Flop: A Q J rainbow >> BB bet $25, I called.
-> Turn: K >> Now I have two pairs, I bet $75 and BB called.
-> River: blank >> BB check, I bet $100, BB called and show AJ
Well, I think I played bad in this hand...I just put him on A small.

Until now, I just have $80 left from the original $500...god! it's just half hour past!!!!
After this hand I won a small pot that increased my BR to $150. Now a very interesting hand prompted:

3. Hold cards: AJo Buttom
-> Call, call, call and I made it $100 to go
-> MP re-raised to $200 and Buttom+1 called $200 raise. (OS: holly cow...I am dead....)
-> I called my rest of $50
-> Flop: 8 8 small >> Buttom+1 bet and got called by MP.
-> Turn: small >> Buttom+1 bet and got re-raised by MP.
-> River: blank >> MP bet $100 and B+1 called

Apparently, I don't have chance to win this huge pot. However it really stunned me when MP showed the other missing two 8s!! Mother fucker - it's QUADS!!!!!
So, what B+1 got made him call to showdown? >> The rockets!!!! Jesus, it's really SICK!!

I smile to say thank you to the dealer and left the table. Only 40 minutes I stay there, which is much shorter than I expected.....>< When walking to get my car, I realized that I probably need to take care my ongoing life. This sign may reflect that my luck is going down so there has been so many unlucky things happened recently such as the god damn car accident.

幹 為什麼寫到最後變英文
好了 就先寫到這 下回來補充我的車禍事件以及去St Paul法庭contest我的罰單的事


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